investing activity

investing activity

Investment activity is investing, investing, set of practical actions on realization of the investment. Investing in the creation and reproduction of fixed assets is carried out in the form of capital investments.
In the broad sense of the investment activities is the overall activity on the investment of cash funds and other valuables in the projects, as well as ensuring the return on investment. In the narrow sense of investment activity - it is a purchase or sale of long-term assets and other investments non-cash equivalents.
According to the law "On investment activity in the Russian Federation", the investment activity is investing and realization of practical actions in order to gain profit or to achieve a beneficial effect, carried out in the form of capital investments.
The subjects of investment activity are investors, customers, executors of work, users of investment activity, as well as suppliers, legal entities (banks, insurance and intermediary organizations, investment exchange) and other participants of the investment process. The subjects of investment activity may be individuals or legal entities, including foreign ones, as well as state and international organizations.
Investing activities includes all forms of entrepreneurial activity, because it always requires the investment of capital investments. In the legislation of foreign investment activity is usually understood entrepreneurial activities, aimed at attracting free cash flow of an unspecified group of persons with a view to placing them in the securities and extraction as a result of ongoing transactions with securities operations profit. In accordance with this understanding of investment activity is made by professional participants of the securities market, specialized institutions, such as investment companies, investment funds, as well as other organizations that have received a licence for the implementation of relevant activities.

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