investing for dummies

investing for dummies

The first secret is the precise and clear understanding of the subject. Many people don't understand, what is investment. Knowing this secret of investing, you will have the advantage.
Investing is fun and very profitable business for financially-literate people. I think, you have heard that investing for dummies is very risky. I dare say that this is so. Not having the knowledge in this area, it is really a very big risk. You are never going to take the car, not having the skills of driving. But why do many are beginning to invest money, by not having the skills and not knowing the secrets of investment.
Today more and more people are becoming aware of the strong force hidden in the word «investment». Many people want to learn how to make the effect work for me. I hope that after reading the materials of our site " investing for dummies, you'll get the answers to many questions, and learn many secrets of the investors. And, perhaps, on the planet will be less bankrupt and more successful and wealthy people.
«Buy, hold and pray» - different people understand under investment different things. Today, I often hear people say something like:
1. «My husband and I buy old house. We repair them and sell with profit from this».
2. «I have been trading commodity futures».
3. «Safe as money in the Bank».
4. «I have a diversified portfolio of investments».
5. «I've been investing for the long term».
6. «I invest all the funds in your business».
And all the same, different people understand under investment different things. The above phrases reflect the different types of procedures used for investment. The majority of the people - not investors, and speculators or players. They have the mentality of a «buy, hold and pray that the price went up.» Most of investing for dummies live in the hope that the market will be kept, and in the fear that the market will fall. The secret of investment in the fact that the true investor makes money, regardless of whether the market is moving up or come loose. He makes money, regardless of whether he wins or loses, acting both in the long and in the short-term. Most people do not know this secret of investment. They do not know how to invest their funds, that is why for the majority of investment is very risky.
Another secret of investment is that the first thing you need to invest their time, improving their financial literacy. Thus you will protect yourself and your capital.
The next secret investment lies in the fact that so many people are fixated on one way of thinking. It seems that there is only one way to think about something or do something. To become a real investor must learn to see the situation from different quadrants of the cash flow. When the novice investor thinks: «Act with caution, don't take risks», successful and financially-literate and thinks about how to improve their skills, to be able to take on more risk.
So, to summarize. Secrets of investing a lot, and each of them is important in its own way. But none of these secrets will not be a success in the «untrained hands».
Constantly raise their financial literacy, as this process is infinite.

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