investors financial

investors financial

Financial investors are private equity funds, venture capital funds, management companies, private investors, sometimes banks.
The purpose of a financial investor is to maximise the value of the purchased block of shares. As a rule, a financial investor cannot be called long-term partner, horizon of his investment 3-5 years. Therefore, financial investor of the most interesting enter the business at a stage of growth, in order to subsequently sell the package of shares with a maximum profit.
The financial investor, in contrast to the strategic, may not seek to control over the company. After growth of capitalization of the financial investor wants to go out of business. Such investors can be useful for increasing the capitalization of the company as if it is a large international Fund, its participation increases the level of trust to the company. Often the funds try to protect themselves from wrong actions of the companies, entering into option agreements for the acquisition of a controlling stake in the cases, when the company stumbles in its development. Financial investors can bring to the company:
knowledge and expertise in the right building the financial unit (often in the collections of the work of the former consultants and investment bankers);
the ability to attract debt and additional share capital;
assistance in recruiting key people in the company (the funds of good knowledge and connections of people in many industries), the establishment of a regular system motivation;
assistance in the optimization of the legal framework.

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