commodity markets

commodity markets

commodity markets is an important kind of international commodity market wholesale purchase and sale of mass, mainly raw materials and agricultural products (grain, sugar, cocoa, coffee, rubber, non-ferrous metals, cotton, etc). Realization of products in the commodity markets is effected without the preliminary examination of the samples and standards in the pre-set amount of minimum parties. commodity markets does not imply the actual availability of goods in the time of the deal, being concluded, as a rule, for the term of from 6 to 14 months in the light of the characteristics of the goods, including seasonality of its production. Characteristic of commodity markets practice of the conclusion of transactions for a term creates the possibility to play on the difference of prices, which affects the dynamics and the level of stock prices or even to the world prices of other related goods moving in international trade.
commodity markets - corporate, a non-profit Association, limited to a certain number of private individuals and corporations, providing the material conditions for the purchase and sale of goods on the market by means of public bidding according to rules and procedures that protect and provides justice and equity for clients and members of the exchange.
commodity markets specially organized market, where are bought and sold bulk goods. On commodity markets could be as spot transactions (cash delivery of the goods immediately or within a very short time), and as a transaction for delivery in a certain place by a certain date in the future (forward contracts), as well as futures contracts.

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