best private investor

best private investor

Very often, newcomers may not without the «pain» to observe the fall of market. Or go to the other extreme, to the last holding open positions, believing in the miracle of the close of growth. On this occasion expressed best private investor in the world (part-time, it is also the largest investor, you just have to know his name): «do Not go to the market until may not be able to calmly observe the ïÿòèäåñÿòèïðîöåíòíûì of decrease of their shares».
We set ourselves a framework, for which try not to go. Run in the mornings, or, for example, eat healthy foods, and so on. But not all have the will power to change yourself. But, then, how in the life beyond the scope of the not so terrible, then on the stock market, it can turn... only the loss of all savings. So remember, now your main enemies, ill-considered decisions and impulsiveness.
To work at the stock exchange should regularly improve their financial literacy, constantly studying the investment. Higher education and the intricate theory with just can't ñâÿçàíû. best private investor succeed in the stock market even without education in the field of economy. Along with them enough and people with scientific knowledge in the area of the economy, which suffered there fiasco.
Here's an instructive example: in 1997, the Nobel prize in Economics. The developers of «the theory of the assessment and minimizing the risk of investment in the stock market», P. Merton and M. Scholes shared between them the prestigious award. Using his theory, happy winners have created a huge international hedge Fund with a multi-billion capital. He wore a sonorous name of Long Term Capital Management. Almost immediately the «Titanic» of the area of Finance «sank», together with two energetic Nobel «captains». It should be noted, that the Russian financial crisis of 1998 destroyed the value of their bonds. Less than ten months, as the Fund was declared bankrupt, as a result of which «the Central Bank of the United States» - the Federal Reserve saved the organization through the provision of due to other banks and organizations of 4 billion assistance. This event caused delight from competing financial schools, for the rest, he was the subject of confusion. It was even proposed to deprive the laureates of the Nobel prize, however, such procedures do not exist.
Therefore, even though higher education is a big plus, but it does not guarantee the ability to use them and apply in real market conditions. Next, we talk about the pros and cons of active and passive investment strategies. They have significant differences. To start with, that to achieve a positive result using active strategies will have to spend considerable time on the training of many wisdoms.

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