buy shares

How to buy shares of the physical person?

the stock market is constantly gaining momentum, to appear (place their shares on the stock exchange) new enterprises. Appear new investors. The beginner wishing for the first time to participate in investment, have a lot of questions.
How to find out about the sale of the shares?
How do they purchaseå
Where they actually soldÿ
Suppose a man heard the proposal about sale of securitiesñ which seemed to him very beneficial. What should be done nextà
1. Learn more about the proposal. This can be done by calling the company or by visiting her website. It makes sense to turn to the sites of investment companies, to study the course of these shares.
2. Contact the owner of the securities. Usually link is the stock market where buyers and sellers leave their application for sale or purchase of shares.
But the physical person participating in the auction is prohibited by applicable law: in such transactions is open only to legal entities. What to do in this case? On exchanges is almost always present brokerage companies, they can act as mediators. Physical person enters into a contract with a broker, opening an account and can participate in the auction.
Now an individual client of the brokerage company and he is obliged to follow certain rules and regulations. For it opens two accountsò one for cash flow âbrokerageèé and another for the account of movement of shares éDepositoryû. The broker, in turn, provides all relevant information on the state of the stock market and on stock prices.
If clients are interested in any offer he applies to his broker indicating the desired number of shares and their valueò and the application enters a public place.
The diagram below you can see a generalized mechanism of purchase-saleæ which are through intermediaries.
3. Bid is submittedí it remains to wait for a counter offer from the seller. As soon as it comes, with a brokerage account of a physical person is deducted necessary for the transaction amount and is transferred to the account of the seller. The purchased shares are credited to the securities custody account.
All the operations with securities can be made with the phone or via the Internet. Of course, the second option is the most convenient, the transaction is performed instantly. Currently working with the stock exchanges is mainly done with the help of personal computers, through a special software (usually provided by the brokerage company) in on-line mode.
Every day on the stock exchanges is millions of dealsî including a huge number of transactions committed by individuals. Thousands of people increase their capital - and you are quite capable to join them.

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